Upper Limb – Online and Interactive
o | Shoulder Complex | TBA |
o | Upper Limb | TBA |
o | Shoulder Complex | TBA |
o | Upper Limb | TBA |
The main aim is to give the Practitioner/Student greater understanding of the human anatomy – more specifically in relation to identification of structures relevant to practical application of techniques/therapies. Giving them an insight into to adjoining structures that are influenced by targeted movements and biomechanics.
Workshop aims:
An online interactive workshop encourages a deeper understanding of the complexities of upper limb anatomy and function, giving the Practitioners another clinical dimension in planning and explaining a treatment, paying particular attention to correct biomechanics and the possible effects of imbalance.
Aiming to enhance the practitioners’ general knowledge, confidence, competence and observation skills in a clinical environment, helping to promote optimal Bowen protocol selection, facilitating the best overall treatment outcome.
Workshop overview:
To develop an understanding of:
- Upper Limb, Planes and Axes of Movement
- Surface Anatomy of the Upper Limb
- Muscles associated with movement of the Upper Limb
- Ligaments that stabilise the Upper Limb
- Biomechanics of Upper Limb for coordinated movement
- Review relevant Bowen Therapy procedures relating to the shoulder and surrounding structure
- Pain patterns and basic taping for shoulder injury and dysfunction
- Develop the theoretical understanding which enables you to effectively examine the Upper Limb.
This workshop is not part of the Australian nationally-recognised training however it is Internationally Bowtech-accredited and eligible for CE points with Bowen Association Australia and affiliated Bowtech Associations.
Please contact Kristin for enrolment information