First we had computers then cell phones and now tablets all of which have made communications easier but can make our health worse. As a Bowen therapist, many of my clients come to me for aches, pains and injuries which have either been caused by their use of technology or aggravated by it. Of course aches and pains caused by too much computer time is a global problem these days and a growing one so now you know what
Before computers became so commonplace the biggest percentage of my clients was made up of labourers, constructions workers and tradesmen. Many people in the building industry have physically intense jobs which puts a huge strain on their bodies and cause injuries that then keep them out of work. Having worked in the field myself I have a personal understanding of what it takes to do hard physical work for up to 12 h
You may have heard of Bowen therapy but be struggling to understand what it really is. Descriptions like ‘holistic’ and ‘multidimensional’ make a lot of sense to Bowen therapists but less so to the people we treat. So what is Bowen therapy and how will it help you? It’s a form of bodywork which was developed over 50 years ago by Australian born Tom Bowen. It’s a series of moves on