Learn Bowen Therapy Training scheduled for 16th to 19th of August 2019 in Adelaide South Australia.
Bowen Theory is based on the notion that specific gentle moves over precise points on particular parts of the body, influence connective tissue (fascia) on many different levels, it can retrieve the body’s innate ability to realign dysfunction within the soft tissue and structures which in turn addresses pain, restriction and imbalance.
Deep, manipulative or forceful treatments are unnecessary, just gentle meaningful Bowen Therapy “moves” can send neurological impulses to the brain, spinal reflexes and directly into the body’s version of the internet highway known as the fascia. Such moves also aid to regain movement in joints, muscles and tendons. Common outcomes may include relief of muscle spasms as well as lymphatic drainage, increased blood supply, nutrients hydration to the tissues.
Bowen Therapy may assist with:
- Back pain
- Shoulder restrictions & pain
- Neck pain
- Respiratory conditions
- Headache patterns
- Sports injuries and much more!
To truly answer the question, “What is Bowen Therapy,” you have to go back to The Bowen Technique which was developed in the 1950s by Australian Tom Bowen. Ossie & Elaine Rentsch first offered training courses in Mr Bowen’s technique in the late 1980s in Australia.
For more information, register today for the next training course 16th to 19th of August. Details can be found at Northstar Healing Therapies Website www.northstarhealingtherapies.com.au or alternatively give Kristin North a call today on 0407 674 699.
For more information about Bowen Therapy Training on the Sunshine Coast please Click here
Kristin North is a trainer and assessor in the Certificate IV in Bowen Therapy 10846NAT and Diploma of Specialised Bowen Therapy 10847NAT delivered by Bowen Training Australia RTO#41134 https://bowentraining.com.au/bowen-therapy-instructors/bowen-instructor-kristin-north