Workshop aims:
The main aim is to give the Practitioner/Student greater understanding of the human anatomy – more specifically in relation to identification of structures relevant to practical application of techniques/therapies. Giving them an insight into to adjoining structures that are influenced by targeted movements.
This workshop will allow a unique look at the amazing world beneath the skin. Practitioners/Students will have the opportunity to observe and have hands-on experience with embalmed anatomical specimens in a whole and dissected state.
Practitioner/student will no longer have to imagine the underlying structures they are handling, as they will all be right there in front of them. Each individual will take away there own personal experience from these workshops helping to enhance their professional skills and have a deeper understanding of this amazing structure we call the Human Body.
Having attended this workshop the Practitioner/Student will never view the human body in the same way. The wonder that is unleashed in these workshops will change the way participants think and work, allowing them to go away with a greater anatomical knowledge of the workings of the body and the world beneath the skin.
ATMS: Anatomy Interact
The workshop is an Australian Traditional Medicine Society approved Continuing Education workshop and attracts 5 continuing education points of which allied health care professional need a minimum of 20 per annum.
NOTE: Proof of Recognised Qualification and Association membership will be required with a transcript confirming an anatomy and physiology component
Contact Kristin for details of the next workshop.